New start-up infrastructures for Stuttgart
What defines Stuttgart as a start-up location?
Which infrastructures are needed to implement and strengthen the existing?
The concept study aims to identify user needs of current and future founders in order to formulate leitmotifs and narratives for the city of Stuttgart with a view to the overriding challenges and requirements. The result for the city of Stuttgart is a first well-founded handout for an integrated space-oriented start-up promotion strategy.
The identified overarching leitmotifs and narratives can guide further policies and funding and show how the city of Stuttgart can practice further networking steps with partners and founders in order to develop future start-up locations.
Through an iterative process design and early involvement of local experts as well as potential users and operators, partial results and approaches have been continuously checked, while the interdisciplinary approach with analytical, scientific, planning-architectural and business management skills enables an integrated view of the topic and the formulation of overall recommendations.
Development approaches
The subspatial viewing of the city makes it possible to identify programmatic targets that reflect the respective environmental and contextual conditions and to describe exemplary requirements and equipment features of possible start-up infrastructures.
These are subjected to an exemplary spatial and economic examination at exemplary locations.
Exemplary location options
The development approaches are subjected to an initial spatial and economic examination at exemplary locations.
The different site and building types are each linked to different time horizons for planning and implementation as well as different investment costs.
Realisation period
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Amt für Stadtplanung und Wohnen
Abteilung Stadtentwicklung,
together with
Abteilung Wirtschaftsförderung
Studio Malta mit
PfAU, Prof. Vesta Nele Zareh
Belius GmbH, Andreas Foidl
Multiplicities Berlin, Dr. Bastian Lange
Documentation (in German)
→ Concept study
→ Annex