Hello, we are Studio Malta.
We work across scales in the fields of city and urban planning, architecture and design on creative and participatory processes.
We act at the interface between practice-oriented and conceptual work. We develop customized strategies to realize our projects and introduce relevant matters into public discourse.
Marta Toscano
Marta Toscano is an architect and urbanist, founding partner of Studio Malta since 2018.
After studying architecture in Ferrara and Stuttgart (2007-2013), Marta worked on various public and private building projects at different scales.
Through her work at Belius GmbH and in the coordination office of the Round Table for Berlin Property Politics (2018-2022), she was able to gain in-depth insights into urban and land policy. She was involved in the creation of the ›Magazin Stadt Neudenken‹ (engl. ›Re-think the City‹).
Marta brings passion and extensive experience in the planning and implementation of co-creative urban development processes.
Since April 2024, she is project research associate at vhw - Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung on the project ›Stadtmachen Akademie‹ (engl. ›City Makers Academy‹).
Aida Nejad
Aida has been working on various independent projects and formats around the topic of user-driven urban development for several years.
She studied architecture (specializing in urban planning) in Braunschweig and Stuttgart. From 2017 to 2021 she worked at the Lehrstuhl Stadtplanung der TU Kaiserslautern" title="" target="_blank">Chair of Urban Planning at the TU Kaiserslautern. Since 2020 she has been a lecturer at the Städtebau-Institut der Universität Stuttgart" title="" target="_blank">Institute of Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart. In independent projects, she is dedicated to questions at the interface of art and (natural) space at different scales.
Jan-Timo Ort
Jan-Timo studied architecture and urban planning in Hannover and Stuttgart. Throughout and after his studies, he has worked on issues and ideas in the context of ecology, architecture and urban landscapes. Starting in 2020, he currently teaches and does research at Institute of urban planning and design of Universität Stuttgart (urban design) and Centre for Sustainable Urban Development of HfT Stuttgart
Aaron Schirrmann
Aaron studied architecture at the University of Applied Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart until 2017 and previously worked as a carpenter from 2006 to 2011. He gained professional experience in various offices in the fields of urban planning, architecture and artistic space creation. From July 2018 to April 2021 he taught at the Institute for Landscape Planning and Ecology at the University of Stuttgart with a focus on ›urban landscapes‹ and ›integrated research and design‹. His projects oscillate between architectural and urban planning issues, practical construction projects, participative workshop formats, public discourse and production-oriented output.
Members since 2019:
Lorenz Boigner (co-founder)
Cristina Estanislao
Lorenz Hahnheiser
Theresa Stahl
Christina Schmid • graphic design
Simon Malz • graphic design and programming
BeL - Sozietät für Architektur • architecture and urban design
PfAU, Prof. Vesta Nele Zareh • architecture and urbanism
Belius GmbH • political engineering and economic consulting
Multiplicities Berlin • research and strategy consulting
Clara Neumann • graphic design
frei04 publizistik, Christian Holl • text editing
Studio Rustemeyer • illustration
Hanna Noller • co-productive urban development
denkstatt sàrl • dialogue and transformation processes
Barbora Demovičová • illustrations und graphic design
Levin Stadler • graphic design
KOKOMO • landscape architecture
studio erde. • landscape architecture
Wüstenrot Stiftung
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Stadtplanung und Wohnen
IBA'27 StadtRegion Stuttgart
Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung (LKJ) Baden-Württemberg
Zentrum für Film- und Fernsehproduzenten GmbH
Duisburg Kontor GmbH
Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V.
hcu - HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg LokalBau Plattform
Stadt Pforzheim
Haus für Film und Medien Stuttgart e.V.
Stuttgarter Wohnungs- und Städtebaugesellschaft (SWSG)
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, KUBI‐S Netzwerk Kulturelle Bildung
Stadt Ludwigsburg, Referat Stadtentwicklung, Klima und Internationales
Villingen-Schwenningen - Cultural Department
HBC. Biberach University of Applied Sciences
Partnerschaft für Demokratie
Gemeinde Böbingen an der Rems
Stadt Kehl, Kulturbüro
Contain't e.V.